provinsi di turki bahasa Inggris
- provinsi: province; provinces; state; country
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- turki: provinces of turkey; turkey; turkish; hagia
- kategori menurut provinsi di turki: categories by province of turkey
- permukiman di turki menurut provinsi: populated places in turkey by province
- provinsi turki: turkey labelled map
- geografi turki menurut provinsi: geography of turkey by province
- sejarah turki menurut provinsi: history of turkey by province
- 2015 di turki: 2015 in turkey
- 2016 di turki: 2016 in turkey
- 2017 di turki: 2017 in turkey
- agama di turki: religion in turkey
- akhbar di turki: newspapers published in turkey
- alam sekitar di turki: environment of turkey
- bahasa di turki: languages of turkey